Blogs can be confusing places, especially one with as many topics as mine.
Consider this your tour of the blog. Jump right in to whatever you find interesting.
What my blog isn’t
I’d actually like to start with what my blog isn’t. What you won’t find on my blog is information that will help you to know more about homeschooling in Indiana specifically. I’ll mention it off-hand but that isn’t the focus of my blog. If you’d like more information about homeschooling in Indiana, see the links below.
Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) Indiana information
Indiana Association of Home Educators (IAHE)
I’ve always loved learning about history. I remember as a kid I’d go on historical tangents and learn all I could about subjects like the Titanic and the Civil War. Here are my musings on history, including the hows and whys of learning it. And maybe even the stirrings of a history curriculum and/or book.
How to learn history
Evaluating your history source
We parents like to teach by example. One way I’ve found I can is to learn new things. It’s hard to learn in a a haphazard fashion, however, and I’ve had to make my own self-education plan. I’m providing what I’ve done for that plan so you can do the same or similar if you choose.
General advice and encouragement
Homeschooling is hard. It’s also different for every family. So I’d like to offer you a peek into how we do our homeschool. DO NOT feel obligated to replicate what we do! Take what you like and leave the rest. I also have encouragement for those that need it.
Adapting curriculum
I’ve had to do a lot of this over the years. Here are some tips and tricks on adapting your curriculum to fit YOUR school. And some of my adaptations, too.
Amateur astronomy
Just like I went off on historical tangents as a kid, I also went on scientific ones. In addition to my obsession with horses, I was at least partially obsessed with stargazing. This popular hobby is also known as amateur astronomy. Amateur most definitely doesn’t mean beginner and I’ll show you how to navigate this rabbit hole a bit easier.
I adore cooking. I’m good at the stuff done in the kitchen, but I’m learning how to cook on the grill, in the smoker, and over the fire, too. The only part of it I like less than doing the dishes is deciding what to eat. I don’t know what it’s like in your household, but having the same food every single night gets boring after a while. So here’s what we do to break up the monotony.
How we organize our recipes
Menu planning tips
Charlotte Mason was a big proponent of learning crafts. She called them handicrafts and included a few things that we wouldn’t necessarily call crafts today. But I believe everyone should create somehow. I even made helping others learn crafting part of our craft business’ mission statement.
You’ll find more information on my crafting over on my craft blog, Stitching in the Woods.
Business helps
I’m a VA for woodworkers, makers, crafters, and/or content creators. I’m also a crochet/knit tech editor, too. Here’s where you can learn more about me helping you in either of those areas.
Tech editing
Everything else
All this is stuff about homesteading/gardening, my other hobbies (including music), etc.